How do we do it? - Breakthru Proprietary Technologies -
Density Alteration Process (D.A.P.):
Separates live seed potentials;
Removes dead seeds;
Matches seeds selected for:
The highest genetic potential for:
Crop production;​
Management techniques;
Longitude, latitude, altitude;
Nutrient quality for different animals or human subjects.
Germination/Growth Enhancement Method (G.E.M.):
G.E.M. is an organic seed priming and plant forcing procedure;​
Breaks seed dormancy;
Synchronizes germination of seeds;
Drought hardens seed;
Drought hardens plants by exhibiting five times the root development;
Increases yields y up to 40%.
Forces plant growth, through the reduction of environmental stress factors;
Increases yields up to 50%.
INSTAGrowth Eco-logical Soil Management (I.G.E.S.M.):
Revolutionary combination of processes, products and field management ensures continuous root development that mines soil and atmospheric nutrients;
Continued use ultimately balances or increases soil organic matter, friability, and nutrient availability / recycling; (Read more on Capturing Carbon.)
Allows up to 95% reduction of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, bactericides and algicides;
Allows up to 95% reduction of conventional, industrial & synthetic fertilizers;
Increases size and quality of the harvest up to 40%;
Increases flowering up to 50%.
See our Breakthru Technology / INSTAGrowth management system results on treated barley HERE..